Un intercruce entre la vida cotidiana, la fiesta y los medios en Tijuana, Mexico. A view of life and party and mass media in Tijuana, Mexico.

octubre 08, 2004

songs about Tijuana no. 4

Mexican radio
by Wall of Voodoo

I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
And the touch of a world that is older
I turn the switch and check the number
I leave it on when in bed I slumber
I hear the rhythms of the music
I buy the product and never use it
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can't understand just what does he say?
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I dial it in and tune the station
They talk about the U.S. inflation
I understand just a little
No comprende, it's a riddle
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I wish I was in Tijuana
Eating barbequed iguana
I'd take requests on the telephone
I'm on a wavelength far from home
I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
I dial it in from south of the border
I hear the talking of the DJ
Can't understand just what does he say?
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
I'm on a mexican radio
Radio radio...
What does he say ?

* Oh yeah. A big hit in 91X, early eigthies. Muy new wave, muy California. Todavía la ponen en algunos antros de la Av. Revolución. Parte del catálogo de recuerdos de mi adolescencia.


Anonymous Anónimo said...

Esta cancion (Mexican Radio) de lo mejor de los 80's. El video tambien es muy bueno.
Te anotaste un golazo con esta letra..
Un abrazo

5:22 p.m.


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