enero 26, 2005
enero 18, 2005
songs about Tijuana no. 15
the road to ensenada
As I lay sick and brokenViva Mexico
My eyes just won't stay open
And I dream a dream of home
I dream a dream of home
Where there's coffee on the table
And kindness in your hand
Honey I'll help you when I'm able
But right now I'm feeling bad
Right now I'm feeling bad
Listen to your heart that beats
And follow it with both your feet
And as you walk and as you breathe
You ain't no friend to me
You ain't no friend to me
The road to Ensenada
Is plenty wide and fast
If you head South from Tijuana
Then I'll see you at last
I'll see you at last
But my eyes they open slowly
And they look around the room
The old man he seems worried
And there ain't no sign of you
There ain't no sign of you
Listen to your heart that beats
And follow it with both your feet
And as you walk and as you breathe
You ain't no friend of me
You ain't no friend of me
You can offer to the righteous
The good that you have won
But down here among the unclean
Your good work just comes undone
Your good work just comes undone
The sisters at the borderline
They're holding out their hands
They're begging me for something Lord
But I don't understandI don't understand
So it's adios to Alvero
Tell him to stay between the lines
And if he sees that Gabriella girl
Tell her I'll look her up next time
Say I'll look her up next time
Because the road to Ensenada
Is plenty wide and fast
And this time through Tijuana
Well it won't be my last
It won't be my last
by Lyle Lovett
enero 17, 2005
enero 14, 2005
songs about Tijuana no. 14
el dorado
In the crystal ball
The gypsy sees the villa
The riders on the hill
The fire in the fields
She sees the mission bell
Swinging in the silence
Now the shooting starts
The bullets pierce the hearts
The senoritas crying at the well
Up in the Gold Hotel
The money hits the table
The heavies all are there
That's why the deal's goin' down
Beautiful women all dressed in
Diamonds and sable
Down upon the stree
tBeside a garbage heap
A mariachi band begins to play
Somewhere a blues guitar
Plays echos in the alleyway
The Tijuana dawn claims another day
The golden sun rises on the runway
The pilot understands
The money changes hands
Inside the jet the briefcase snaps goodbye
In El dorado town
There lives a great bullfighter
His eyes are screaming blue
His hair is red as blood
And when the gate goes up
The crowd gets so excited
And he comes dancin' out
Dressed in gold lame
He kills the bull
And lives another day
del neil young
* Letra enviada por el compita Roberto Castillo
enero 05, 2005
paso del nortec
Circula obra a nivel nacional
Dan ‘paso’ gigante Nortec
‘Paso del Nortec’, libro que narra el movimiento cultural fronterizo creado por el colectivo musical tijuanense, es ya del dominio público y de gran aceptación entre jóvenes y adultos
*nota completa aquí
vía Frontera
enero 02, 2005
calendario de actividades enero 2005
Enero 2005
Enero- marzo
conciertos: MOZART BINACIONAL 2005
@ Teatro CECUT
Sábado 22/enero
Concierto: The Polardroids, Cristo Pop, Ford Proco, El Lazo Invisible, Miel, i/0
Djs: Tolo, rafadro, dj rama
@ Playas, 7pm
Jueves 20/enero
Teatro del CECUT, 7 y 9:30 pm. / $350 pesos
- Concierto: Ibi Ego + Mae Machino
@ sortilegio café
35 pesitos a partir de las 7pm
viernes 14/enero
—Concierto: Molotov, LHC, Nuestra Sangre y los Hijos de Sancho
@ Multikulti, 7pm
lunes 10/enero
—Presentación libros: Jueves Fausto de Margarita Valencia T., Primera persona: Ella de Omar Pimienta y Bravisimas Braverrimas de Amaranta Caballero, co-editados por La Línea y Anortecer.
@ Libreria Sor Juana que esta en Las Palmas,7 pm (ver mapa aquí)
—presentación del libro de poesía Tres Tristes Tigras (Desde esta esquina)
Con la participación de sus autoras Teresa Abedoy, Mariana Martínez y Amaranta Caballero
@ sala de lectura del Cecut, 7pm, entrada libre
2 de enero
—concierto: con the cheese (from Barcelona), mae machino, best pals (from san francisco), ibi ego
@ Café Sortilegio, 40 pesitos